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Which is more Beneficial Working From the Office or Home

Lucy Lyle, Perch’s co-founder, says  “Remote work saves much more time than most employees think”. In addition to saving you the trouble of a commute, it saves you the time it takes to go between meetings in addition to setting up for work.” Lucy Lyle adds, “As a remote employee, you will also get to determine your work schedule. This leaves you more time to run errands, do activities with your family, exercise, and pursue hobbies.”

Whilst working from home or commuting to an office daily have their pros and cons it is obvious that there is more benefit in working from home. The flexibility, convenience, and time and money-saving outweigh a traditional office environment. Working from home for many employees is a dream come true because they can find the work-life balance that they need to lead a stress-free and comfortable lifestyle.

Some criteria are necessary for an employee to be a successful remote worker and one is that they need to show self-discipline. Just as if they were going to the office each day they need to put together a schedule that will give them the time needed to work and meet their deadlines. During the day, they can navigate their home commitments and work which makes for very happy and satisfied staff.

Following Lucy Lyles’s suggestions this concludes that working from home is a beneficial alternative to the tradition of commuting to an office each day and having to stress through a long commute, manage all the distractions that occur during the day and try to make your deadlines efficiently and effectively.