Things You Need To Know Before Getting Braces

Article by Remarkable Smiles
So you’ve become interested in braces? You may need braces for your teeth or to correct an overbite. Regardless of the cause, you’re not alone; nearly four million Americans wear braces. But before you delve into the depths of orthodontics, you should know a few things about braces.
Having A Minor Lisp Is Possible
As a result, when you get braces to straighten your teeth, you can have a slight lisp. Why? There is absolutely no possibility that having metal braces on your teeth won’t affect how you speak. This is normal, and you will get used to it.
Lip balm Will Help
Lip balm will be essential to your happiness throughout treatment. This is already the case when the orthodontist places the brackets in your mouth on the first day. There is no way to moisturize your lips during this process, which can take many hours. You should carry some nourishing lip balm to your appointment to prevent pain.
They Are Uncomfortable For The First Few Weeks
Your front tooth has probably never had anything attached to it before, and now each of your teeth is covered in two rows of brackets. That will take some time, but it will happen astonishingly quickly. You won’t even be able to recall how you appeared before getting braces in a few weeks!
Dr. Mark Rashidi and his staff at Remarkable Smiles can help you through your braces journey and give you more tips and tricks. He is an Orthodontist in Laguna Hills serving surrounding cities, including Lake Forest, Mission Viejo, Laguna Niguel, and Irvine. All types of braces are treated by Dr. Mark, including Invisalign, metal braces, and ceramic braces.