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3 Easy Steps to a Powerful Conversation with Attorney Prospects Using the PPE Method

Article written by LNC Accelerator.

As a Legal Nurse Consultant (LNC), one of the biggest hurdles you’ll face is answering the age-old question: How do I get attorney clients? Securing law firms as clients is critical for your business to thrive. But here’s the good news—you don’t need to figure it out alone.

Over the years, I’ve honed a highly effective approach called the PPE Marketing™ Method. No, this isn’t about the protective gear we’re used to wearing as nurses. This method stands for Power, Position, and Educate—three fundamental steps to creating impactful conversations with attorney prospects that result in successful, long-term partnerships.

In this blog, I’ll walk you through exactly how to use this method, so you can start confidently attracting attorney clients and growing your LNC business.

The 3 Easy Steps to a Powerful Conversation with Attorney Prospects: The PPE Method

Imagine stepping into a conversation with an attorney, knowing exactly how to steer the dialogue, assert your expertise, and close the deal. It’s not about hard selling—it’s about using your nursing knowledge to build trust and communicate value. That’s where the PPE Marketing™ Method comes in:


Let’s dive deeper into how each of these plays out in real conversations with attorney prospects.

Step 1: Power—Direct the Conversation

Power is all about guiding the conversation. It doesn’t mean dominating the dialogue, but instead subtly steering it so you can showcase your expertise at just the right moments.

Think about the kinds of questions you ask. When you pose a question that you already know the answer to, you’re able to steer the conversation toward your strengths. For example, asking something like, “How often do you encounter complex medical records in your cases?” lets you open up about your experience in simplifying and organizing those records for legal teams.

By leading the discussion, you give the attorney a glimpse into how you’ll solve their problems before they even need to ask for your help.

Step 2: Position—Establish Your Authority

Position is where you affirm your authority. Attorneys want to work with someone who exudes confidence—someone they can trust to provide the insights they need. This doesn’t mean bragging; it means showing that you’ve got the skills, the experience, and the mindset to deliver results.

Your tone and demeanor play a huge role here. Speak with confidence, knowing that your background as a nurse gives you a unique perspective attorneys desperately need. This doesn’t just position you as an expert—it positions you as a problem solver.

When attorneys feel that they’re speaking with someone who understands their challenges and can provide reliable solutions, it builds instant trust. And that trust is essential for any lasting business relationship.

For more on positioning yourself as a leader in your field, read How to Market Yourself as a Legal Nurse Consultant and Win Clients.

Step 3: Educate—Connect the Dots

Educate is the final piece of the puzzle. Once you’ve directed the conversation and established your position, it’s time to educate the attorney on exactly how your skills will benefit their cases.

Here’s the key—don’t overwhelm them with medical jargon. Attorneys are brilliant at law, but they might not know the medical complexities that seem second nature to you. Instead, break it down. Use real-life examples to show how your work directly impacts case outcomes.

Let’s say you’re working with an attorney on a medical malpractice case. You could explain how your ability to analyze medical records can uncover missed details that are crucial for building their case. But remember—keep it simple and relatable.

Educating isn’t about proving how much you know. It’s about helping the attorney see how partnering with you will make their job easier and more successful.

Conclusion: Easy as PPE

Powerful conversations with attorney prospects aren’t as intimidating as they seem. By following the PPE Marketing™ MethodPower, Position, and Educate—you’ll be able to connect with attorneys, showcase your value, and start building relationships that turn into loyal, repeat business.

Ready to dive deeper into how the PPE Marketing™ Method can help you grow your LNC business? Check out The LNC Accelerator™ for more strategies, tools, and insights tailored to your success as a Legal Nurse Consultant.

This article was sent to us by LNC Accelerator. As Owner of LNC Accelerator, Stephaney Edwards transforms nursing experience into legal consulting success, guiding nurses to become legal nurse consultants and create their perfect day through comprehensive coaching and development.. Visit LNC Accelerator on Youtube to stay up to date.

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