Lessons from Create Abundance by Zhang Xinyue – “Clearing”

Create Abundance by Zhang Xinyue is a collection of teachings and words of wisdom for mind-body-spirit cultivation.
Nobody can go through their lives without having issues that need to be addressed. It is at these times that you need to look within and find the cause of the problem. Self-examination can reveal ways to identify problems and find ways to deal with them.
There can be no rush, it is best to meditate on the issue or defect. When you face the issue that is causing you stress head-on and acknowledges and accept it then only will it start to improve? From this acceptance, you will start to grow, the lesson is to know that it is best to let go of negative energy or traits that will hold you back.
Zhang Xinyue teaches that we all have defects and at different times in our lives clearing our character flaws is recommended. The traits that are keeping you from growing need to be cleared for you to be able to attain well-being and welcome abundance into your life.
The more clearing of your character you can achieve, the more serene you will become and be able to live on a higher level of enlightenment. This will also free you to receive abundance and well-being.
Zhang Xinyue author of Create Abundance wrote this book in 2012. It is highly successful and has been translated from Chinese into many languages. The premise of the book Create Abundance by Zhang Xinyue is to promote, give meaning, and find a functional approach to the philosophical issues of life.